Droid Serif
Droid Serif is a font. It belongs to the Droid font family. The typeface contains 4 files and supports 71 languages. The license is Apache 2.0. The font can be used in commercial and non-commercial use.
Droid Serif is a contemporary serif typeface family designed for comfortable reading on screen. Droid Serif is slightly condensed to maximize the amount of text displayed on small screens. Vertical stress and open forms contribute to its readability while its proportion and overall design complement its companion Droid Sans.
Digitized data copyright © 2007, Google Corporation.License
A permissive license whose main conditions require preservation of copyright and license notices. Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights. Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.
License rules
Commercial use
The licensed material and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes.
The licensed material may be modified.
The licensed material may be distributed.
Private use
The licensed material may be used and modified in private.
Patent use
This license provides an express grant of patent rights from contributors.
Trademark use
This license explicitly states that it does NOT grant trademark rights, even though licenses without such a statement probably do not grant any implicit trademark rights.
This license includes a limitation of liability.
This license explicitly states that it does NOT provide any warranty.
License and copyright notice
A copy of the license and copyright notice must be included with the licensed material.
State changes
Changes made to the licensed material must be documented.
Additional information
- Copyright
Digitized data copyright © 2007, Google Corporation.
- Font family
Droid Serif
- Font subfamily
- Identifier
Ascender - Droid Serif
- Full name
Droid Serif
- Version
Version 1.00 build 113
- PostScriptName
- Trademark
Droid is a trademark of Google and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
- Manufacturer
Ascender Corporation
- Description
Droid Serif is a contemporary serif typeface family designed for comfortable reading on screen. Droid Serif is slightly condensed to maximize the amount of text displayed on small screens. Vertical stress and open forms contribute to its readability while its proportion and overall design complement its companion Droid Sans.
- Vendor URL
- Designer URL
- License
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
- License URL
Supported glyphs