HFF Zeldom Zen

HFF Zeldom Zen is a font. The typeface contains 2 files and supports 41 languages. The font can be used in non-commercial use. HFF Zeldom Zen was developed Have Fun with Fonts.

Reset the colors Invert the colors




HFF Zeldom Zen is free for personal, private and non-commercial uses. Free use is limited specifically to the following:

• You can use HFF Zeldom Zen to your heart’s content as long as the product of your creativeness does not escape the confines of your computer; and

• You can use HFF Zeldom Zen on your school projects, term papers and other school needs.

If your use of HFF Zeldom Zen does not fall within the free use conditions, even if you only needed to use one character from the font, email me at fontfun@gmail.com and tell me how you are going to use the font.

For single user license, making a donation by clicking on the donate button found at www.dafont.com/have-fun-with-fonts.d3546 will suffice. You decide how much to donate but please make it commensurate to your use of the font.

For multi-seat licensing and font embedding, we need to talk about this. Email me.

Redistribution of HFF Zeldom Zen in any format or in any media is prohibited without my expressed and written permission. This also applies to internet web sites that host fonts for download.

Have fun!


HFF Zeldom Zen © 2013 Have Fun with Fonts. All rights reserved. Free for personal and non-commercial use. See font license for detrails.

License rules


Private use
Private use

The licensed material may be used and modified in private.

Additional information

Supported glyphs

Font HFF Zeldom Zen