LGF ELUCIDAR TITULARES is a font. The typeface contains 2 files and supports 13 languages. The font can be used in non-commercial use. LGF ELUCIDAR TITULARES was developed Manuel Lage.

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LGF ELUCIDAR Regular is a font by MANUEL LAGE, designed by Manuel Lage in 2013. [vers.1.0] free font to personal uses - Commercial use is allowed if a donation is made to the account paypal [dvddws@yahoo.es] 1 euro, for version 1.0 vers LGF ELUCIDAR TITULARES El uso comercial está permitido si se hace una donación a la cuenta de paypal [dvddws@yahoo.es] de 1 euro, para la versión LGF ELUCIDAR TITULARES vers 1.0 - Esta versión sólo dispone de caja alta.


Copyright (c) 2013 by MANUEL LAGE. All rights reserved. from. 10.09.2013-

License rules


Private use
Private use

The licensed material may be used and modified in private.

Additional information

Supported glyphs