Medieval Sorcerer Ornamental is a font. The typeface contains 1 file and supports 12 languages. The font can be used in non-commercial use. Medieval Sorcerer Ornamental was developed ~Sorcerer~.


Copyright (c) ~Sorcerer~, 2005. All rights reserved. [email protected] - This font is based loosely on a script found in the book Hill's Manual of Social and Business Forms (Chicago: Hill Standard Book Co., 1893) by Thomas E. Hill. This font is Shareware. To purchase the rights to use this font, contact the author at the e-mail address above. Purchase price is $5.00 - This font may be used for educational purposes for no charge with my consent. This font is not to be redistributed without express written permission beforehand.

License rules


Private use

The licensed material may be used and modified in private.


Additional information

Font Medieval Sorcerer Ornamental