
Minya is a font. The typeface contains 1 file and supports 56 languages. The font can be used in commercial and non-commercial use. Minya was developed Typodermic Fonts.

Reset the colors Invert the colors


This font has been released under a “no rights reserved” Creative Commons Zero license. Please don’t ask permission to do anything with these fonts. Whatever you want to do with this font, the answer will be yes. Please read about the CC0 Public Domain license before contacting me. https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ To the extent possible under law, Raymond Larabie has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this font. This work is published from Japan.


Released in 2020 under CC0 license. No rights reserved.

License rules


Commercial use
Commercial use

The licensed material and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes.

Private use
Private use

The licensed material may be used and modified in private.

Additional information

Supported glyphs

Font Minya