Sajou Fancy Gothic is a font. The typeface contains 2 files and supports 12 languages. The font can be used in non-commercial use. Sajou Fancy Gothic was developed Toto.


Sajou Fancy Gothic is based on an unnamed alphabet on pages 3 and 4 of Sajou No. 236, a late 19th to early 20th century French embroidery booklet. The scan of Sajou was made available by Ramzi of Pattern Maker Charts at

Thanks to Sandra Rose for leading us to Ramzi's blog, to Graham Meade for suggestions on how to do the missing letter W, and to Sharon, moderator of annexcafe.fonts, for naming the font. And, of course, to Ramzi for making available the scans.

[email protected]
Ika-19 ng Enero 2011


©Toto 2011, múlâ sà Sajou No. 236

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Private use

The licensed material may be used and modified in private.


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Font Sajou Fancy Gothic