BLANGKON Remastered

BLANGKON Remastered is a font. The typeface contains 1 file and supports 19 languages. BLANGKON Remastered was developed The Docallisme - Amry Al Mursalaat.

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Это переделанный шрифт BLANGKON ( В него добавлена кириллица.
Дизайнеры: The Docallisme - Amry Al Mursalaat
Переделал: Евгений Проскурин РУС
This is remastered font BLANGKON ( Cyrillic alphabet has been added to it.
Designed by: The Docallisme - Amry Al Mursalaat
Remastered by: Evgeniy Proskurin ENG

Additional information

Supported glyphs

Font BLANGKON Remastered