Involve is a font. The typeface contains 8 files and supports 48 languages. The license is SIL OFL 1.1. The font can be used in commercial and non-commercial use. Involve was developed Stefan Peev.
Involve. Copyright (c) 2024 by Stefan Peev.Evolventa. Copyright (c) 2016 by Alex I. Kuznetsov.
URW Gothic L. Copyright (c) 1996 by URW.
The Open Font License (OFL) is maintained by SIL International. It attempts to be a compromise between the values of the free software and typeface design communities. It is used for almost all open source font projects, including those by Adobe, Google and Mozilla.
License rules
Commercial use
The licensed material and derivatives may be used for commercial purposes.
The licensed material may be modified.
The licensed material may be distributed.
Private use
The licensed material may be used and modified in private.
This license includes a limitation of liability.
This license explicitly states that it does NOT provide any warranty.
License and copyright notice
A copy of the license and copyright notice must be included with the licensed material.
Same license
Modifications must be released under the same license when distributing the licensed material. In some cases a similar or related license may be used.
Additional information
- Copyright
Involve. Copyright (c) 2024 by Stefan Peev. Evolventa. Copyright (c) 2016 by Alex I. Kuznetsov. URW Gothic L. Copyright (c) 1996 by URW.
- Font family
- Font subfamily
- Identifier
Version 1.001;;Involve-Regular;2024;FL820
- Full name
Involve Regular
- Version
Version 1.001
- PostScriptName
- Manufacturer
Context Ltd.
- Designer
Stefan Peev
- Description
Font family Involve is based on the project Evolventa. Evolventa is a Cyrillic extension of the open-source URW Gothic L font family. Evolventa is copyrighted (c) 2016 by Alex I. Kuznetsov and it is published under two open source licenses: GPLv2 and LPPL. Involve extendes the multilanguage coverage of Evolventa and changes the geometry of some glyphs. It includes also new styles (Medium, SemiBold) as well as a variable font formats. The project Involve is maintained by Stefan Peev on GitHub. Involve is published under SIL Open Font license v.1.1.
- Designer URL
- License
SIL Open Font license v.1.1. for Involve. GPLv2 and LPPL for Evolventa. Copyright (c) 2016 by Alex I. Kuznetsov. This font is free software. You are allowed to distribute and/or modify it under the terms of either (or both) of the following two licenses (your choice): 1) GNU General Public License version 2 ( 2) The LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c or (at your option) any later version ( Contains work kindly released to the open source community by URW++ Design and Development GmbH as "URW Gothic L" (version 001.005) with the following copyright notice: Copyright URW Software, Copyright 1996 by URW. Original URW fonts can be obtained at the Evolventa website (
- License URL
Supported glyphs